Moving average on Red Pitaya
On the Red Pitaya development board, we will build a signal scaling and filtering circuit with a small averaging filter that calculates the average of four consecutive samples. This tutorial will also show you how to create a copy of the v0.94 project in a different location on the disk. We will create a new folder in the Examples directory and move our project into it. The second option is to create an already working project by running the make_project.tcl script with the “Simple Moving Average” line uncommented. Creation of a new project
Create a new folder called “Test_Moving_Average” in /RedPitaya-FPGA/prj/Examples.
Copy all files from /RedPitaya-FPGA/prj/v0.94 into the newly created folder.
Create a new file named red_pitaya_proc.vhd in the “Test_Moving_Average/rtl” directory.
Copy the framework of filter development into the file.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity red_pitaya_proc is
port (
clk_i : in std_logic; -- bus clock
rstn_i : in std_logic; -- bus reset - active low
sys_addr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- bus address
sys_wdata : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- bus write data
sys_wen : in std_logic; -- bus write enable
sys_ren : in std_logic; -- bus read enable
sys_rdata : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- bus read data
sys_err : out std_logic; -- bus error indicator
sys_ack : out std_logic; -- bus acknowledge signal
adc_i : in std_logic_vector(13 downto 0);
adc_o : out std_logic_vector(13 downto 0)
end red_pitaya_proc;
architecture Behavioral of red_pitaya_proc is
component moving_average
port (
data_i : in std_logic_vector (13 downto 0);
clk_i : in std_logic;
rstn_i : in std_logic;
tag_i : in unsigned (1 downto 0);
data_o : out std_logic_vector (13 downto 0));
end component;
constant ZERO : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Padding registers
signal tag_i: unsigned(1 downto 0) := "01";
rp_average: moving_average
port map (
data_i => adc_i,
clk_i => clk_i,
rstn_i => rstn_i,
tag_i => tag_i,
data_o => adc_o
pbusr: process(clk_i)
if(rising_edge(clk_i)) then
if (rstn_i = '0') then
sys_ack <= '0';
tag_i <= "01";
sys_ack <= sys_wen or sys_ren; -- acknowledge transactions
if sys_wen='1' then
if sys_addr(19 downto 0) = X"00008" then
tag_i <= unsigned(sys_wdata(1 downto 0));
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- System error
sys_err <= '0';
-- Decode address & read data
with sys_addr(19 downto 0) select
sys_rdata <= X"FEEDBACC" when (X"00050"), -- ID
ZERO(31 downto 2) & std_logic_vector(tag_i) when (X"00008"),
X"00000000" when others;
end Behavioral;
Also, copy red_pitaya_scope.v from /RedPitaya-FPGA/rtl/ to Simple_Moving_Average/rtl and rename it to loop_scope.v. Also, change the name of the module inside the file from red_pitaya_scope to loop_scope.
Now create red_pitaya_proc_tb.vhd in /Simple_Moving_Average/tbn and copy the code there:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
entity red_pitaya_proc_tb is
end red_pitaya_proc_tb;
architecture Behavioral of red_pitaya_proc_tb is
component red_pitaya_proc
port (
clk_i : in std_logic;
rstn_i : in std_logic;
sys_addr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- bus address
sys_wdata : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- bus write data
sys_wen : in std_logic; -- bus write enable
sys_ren : in std_logic; -- bus read enable
sys_rdata : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- bus read data
sys_err : out std_logic; -- bus error indicator
sys_ack : out std_logic; -- bus acknowledge signal
adc_i : in std_logic_vector(13 downto 0);
adc_o : out std_logic_vector(13 downto 0)
end component;
signal clk_i : std_logic := '0';
signal rstn_i : std_logic;
signal addr_i : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal wdata_i : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal wen_i : std_logic;
signal ren_i : std_logic;
signal rdata_o : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal err_o : std_logic;
signal ack_o : std_logic;
signal adc_i : std_logic_vector(13 downto 0);
signal adc_o : std_logic_vector(13 downto 0);
signal i : integer range 0 to 30 := 0;
type memory_type is array (0 to 29) of integer range -128 to 127;
signal sine : memory_type := (0, 16, 31, 45, 58, 67, 74, 77, 77, 74, 67, 58, 45, 31, 16, 0,
-16, -31, -45, -58, -67, -74, -77, -77, -74, -67, -58, -45, -31, -16);
-- Simulation control
signal sim : std_logic := '0';
constant T : time := 8 ns;
uut : red_pitaya_proc port map (
clk_i => clk_i,
rstn_i => rstn_i,
sys_addr => addr_i,
sys_wdata => wdata_i,
sys_wen => wen_i,
sys_ren => ren_i,
sys_rdata => rdata_o,
sys_err => err_o,
sys_ack => ack_o,
adc_i => adc_i,
adc_o => adc_o
-- Define the clock
clk_process : process
if sim = '0' then
clk_i <= '0';
wait for T/2;
clk_i <= '1';
wait for T/2;
end if;
end process;
-- Generate a sine signal from the table
singen : process(clk_i)
if (rising_edge(clk_i)) then
-- adc_i <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(20*sine(i), 14));
if (sine(i) > 0) then
adc_i <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(2000, 14));
adc_i <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(-2000, 14));
end if;
i <= i + 1;
if (i = 29) then
i <= 0;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Sets the simplified AXI bus signals
stim_proc : process
rstn_i <= '0'; -- active reset
addr_i <= X"00000000";
wdata_i <= X"00000000";
wen_i <= '0'; ren_i <= '0';
wait for 10*T;
rstn_i <= '1';
addr_i <= x"00000050";
ren_i <= '1'; wait for T;
ren_i <= '0'; wait for T;
wait for 10*T;
rstn_i <= '1'; -- deactivate reset, write to register
addr_i <= X"00000008";
wdata_i <= X"00000002";
wen_i <= '1'; wait for T;
wen_i <= '0'; wait for T;
wait for 100*T; -- entry of a new value in the register
wdata_i <= x"00000003";
wen_i <= '1';
wait for T;
addr_i <= X"00000000";
wen_i <= '0';
wait for 10000*T;
sim <= '1'; -- stop the simulation
end process;
Now we need to create a project generation script. Make a copy of the red_pitaya_vivado_project_Z10.tcl and name it Average_project.tcl, for example.
We need to change some strings in the file:
cd prj/$prj_name → cd prj/Examples/$prj_name
set path_brd ./../brd → set path_brd ./../../brd
set path_sdc ../../sdc → set path_sdc ../../../sdc
add_files ../../$path_rtl → add_files ../../../$path_rtl
Add a variable:
set path_tbn tbn
Also, we need to add the following strings after the string in the second code-block below:
add_files -fileset sim_1 -norecurse $path_tbn/red_pitaya_proc_tb.vhd
add_files $path_bd
Now we can generate a project (the -tclargs parameter should be the same as the main project folder name):
vivado -source Average_project.tcl -tclargs "Simple_Moving_Average"
We can test if everything is working OK, by running a dummy Generate Bitstream command. If everything is working correctly, the bitstream should generate without any issues.
Edit the file red_pitaya_top.sv. Declare two new signals (adc_i and adc_o), connect them to the oscilloscope module, and replace red_pitaya_scope with our new loop_scope. The oscilloscope component connection code should be located around line 502:
// oscilloscope
logic trig_asg_out;
logic [14-1: 0] adc_i;
logic [14-1: 0] adc_o;
loop_scope i_scope (
// Simple Moving Average
.adc_in (adc_o ),
.adc_out (adc_i ),
// ADC
.adc_a_i (adc_dat[0] ), // CH 1
.adc_b_i (adc_dat[1] ), // CH 2
Add two ADC data ports to the loop_scope.v file (found under Design Sources by expanding the red_pitaya_top module and double clicking i_scope: loop_scope).
module loop_scope #(parameter RSZ = 14 // RAM size 2^RSZ
// Simple Moving Average
input [ 14-1: 0] adc_in ,
output [ 14-1: 0] adc_out ,
// ADC
input adc_clk_i , // ADC clock
input adc_rstn_i , // ADC reset - active low
Furthermore, replace this process:
always @(posedge adc_clk_i) begin
if (adc_we && adc_dv_del) begin
adc_a_buf[adc_wp] <= adc_a_bram_in ;
adc_b_buf[adc_wp] <= adc_b_bram_in ;
With this one:
// Simple Moving Average
always @(posedge adc_clk_i) begin
if (adc_we && adc_dv) begin
adc_a_buf[adc_wp] <= adc_in ;
adc_b_buf[adc_wp] <= adc_b_bram_in;
assign adc_out = adc_b_bram_in;
Then, in the file red_pitaya_top.sv, we must connect the signals to red_pitaya_proc. Add the following code at the end of the module (around line 630):
// Simple Moving Average
red_pitaya_proc i_proc (
.clk_i ( adc_clk ), // clock
.rstn_i ( adc_rstn ), // reset - active low
.sys_addr ( sys[6].addr ), // address
.sys_wdata ( sys[6].wdata), // write data
.sys_wen ( sys[6].wen ), // write enable
.sys_ren ( sys[6].ren ), // read enable
.sys_rdata ( sys[6].rdata), // read data
.sys_err ( sys[6].err ), // error indicator
.sys_ack ( sys[6].ack ), // acknowledge signal
.adc_i ( adc_i ),
.adc_o ( adc_o )
We need to remove the stub for the current bus (near line 330 - change the i=6 to i=7):
for (genvar i=7; i<8; i++) begin: for_sys
sys_bus_stub sys_bus_stub_5_7 (sys[i]);
end: for_sys
After these manipulations, we have redirected the data from the red_pitaya_proc.vhd module to the first ADC channel. And the data from the second channel was connected to the red_pitaya_proc.vhd input. Within this module, you can already start processing data. Development of the moving average
Create a scheme that calculates the current average of the last three inputs. Basic outline of the moving average:
clk, reset (active at logical 0)
data_i, 14-bit input
tag_i, 2-bit control input
data_o, 14-bit output
tag_o, 2-bit control output
The data comes into the circuit one after the other, and the control input indicates the cycles in which the data is valid. At tag_i = 01, the first data row is at the input; at 10, the second data row is at the output; and at 11, the last data row is at the output:
cycle |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
tag_i |
00 |
01 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
11 |
00 |
00 |
data_i |
xx |
100 |
50 |
200 |
200 |
200 |
120 |
xx |
xx |
The task of the circuit is to calculate the current average of the last three values. For the first valid data, assume that the previous two values are equal to 0.
The circuit contains three series-connected registers and a combinational circuit for calculating the average value after equations: \(p = (a + b + c) * 1/3 ≈ ((a + b + c) * 85) >> 8\)
Instead of dividing by 3, we will use an approximation: ⅓ ≈ 85/256. Use a 7-bit constant of 85 to multiply. Division by 256 represents the value shifted by 8 places to the right. The shift is made by selection subvector, where the lower 8 bits of the product are removed.
In order to implement this, we will create a new component with VHDL:
Create a new file moving_average.vhd in Simple_Moving_Average/rtl (Add Sources => Add or create design sources => Create File (VHDL)). Code Explanation
Define inputs and outputs:
entity moving_average is
Port ( data_i : in std_logic_vector (13 downto 0); -- adc input data
clk_i : in std_logic; -- bus clock
rstn_i : in std_logic; -- bus reset - active low
tag_i : in unsigned (1 downto 0); -- filter window size
data_o : out std_logic_vector (13 downto 0)); -- filtered data
end moving_average;
We will need some memory to store previous values. Describe the memory type and create it. Also, we will need some kind of register to store the sum:
architecture Behavioral of moving_average is
type mem_t is array (0 to 2) of signed (13 downto 0);
signal regs: mem_t := (others => (others => '0')); -- buffer for moving average algorithm
signal sum: signed(13 downto 0); -- register for storing the sum of register values
The data is updated for each clk, thus, the process runs at each clock change:
process (clk_i)
if(rising_edge(clk_i)) then
We need to reset the registers:
if (rstn_i = '0') then
sum <= "00000000000000";
Connect the first register with the ADC directly.
regs(0) <= signed(data_i);
The summer will always constructively add 3 registers:
sum <= regs(0) + regs(1) + regs(2);
Then we should describe connections among registers. We should keep in mind that the summer constructively adds 3 registers. Thus, we need to reset register values to 0 so that the moving average is calculated correctly each time.
if (tag_i(1) = '1') then
regs(1) <= regs(0);
regs(1) <= "00000000000000";
end if;
if (tag_i(0) = '1') then
regs(2) <= regs(1);
regs(2) <= "00000000000000";
end if;
The last thing we need is the multiplexer to calculate an average value for a buffer with different lengths. Since division is a pretty complex procedure, we need to simplify it. One of the approaches is a real number with a fixed point. We can represent a division as 1/3 ≈ 85/256. Division by 256 is executed by a simple operation of right logical shift.
case tag_i is
-- regs
when "01" => data_o <= std_logic_vector(sum);
-- regs / 2
when "10" => data_o <= std_logic_vector(shift_right(sum, 1));
-- (regs * 85) / 256
when "11" => data_o <= std_logic_vector(resize(shift_right(sum * 85, 8), 14));
-- (regs * 85) / 256
when others => data_o <= std_logic_vector(resize(shift_right(sum * 85, 8), 14));
end case; The complete code
library IEEE;
entity moving_average is
Port ( data_i : in std_logic_vector (13 downto 0); --
clk_i : in std_logic; -- bus clock
rstn_i : in std_logic; -- bus reset - active low
tag_i : in unsigned (1 downto 0); --
data_o : out std_logic_vector (13 downto 0)); --
end moving_average;
architecture Behavioral of moving_average is
type mem_t is array (0 to 2) of signed (13 downto 0);
signal regs: mem_t := (others => (others => '0')); -- buffer for moving average algorithm
signal sum: signed(13 downto 0);
regs(0) <= signed(data_i);
process (clk_i)
if(rising_edge(clk_i)) then
if (rstn_i = '0') then
sum <= "00000000000000";
case tag_i is
-- regs
when "01" => data_o <= std_logic_vector(sum);
-- regs / 2
when "10" => data_o <= std_logic_vector(shift_right(sum, 1));
-- (regs * 85) / 256
when "11" => data_o <= std_logic_vector(resize(shift_right(sum * 85, 8), 14));
-- (regs * 85) / 256
when others => data_o <= std_logic_vector(resize(shift_right(sum * 85, 8), 14));
end case;
if (tag_i(1) = '1') then
regs(1) <= regs(0);
regs(1) <= "00000000000000";
end if;
if (tag_i(0) = '1') then
regs(2) <= regs(1);
regs(2) <= "00000000000000";
end if;
sum <= regs(0) + regs(1) + regs(2);
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
By clicking the + sign under sources, you can add the red_pitaya_proc.vhd file to the project. The previously created module/component must be added to red_pitaya_proc. The component moving_average is already added to the file (component … end component), so we just add the component connection to the architecture (anywhere between the begin and end architecture lines):
port map (
data_i => adc_i,
clk_i => clk_i,
rstn_i => rstn_i,
tag_i => tag_i,
data_o => adc_o
Create a register/signal in the architecture to store the moving average of a chosen length- Between the end component and the begin lines, insert the following code:
signal tag_i: unsigned(1 downto 0) := "01";
Define the value after the reset in the process:
if (rstn_i = '0') then
tag_i <= "01";
... Work with registers
In order to change the buffer dimension, we need to have the “writing” rights for this register at the address. The module red_pitaya_proc is already connected to the system bus and has the following address: 0x406xxxxx. Upon receiving data by address, we must write in the tag_i register. We add the modification at the end of the red_pitaya_proc.vhd file:
-- Decode address & read data
with sys_addr(19 downto 0) select
sys_rdata <= X"FE240000" when (X"00050"), -- ID
ZERO(31 downto 2) & std_logic_vector(tag_i) when (X"00008"),
X"00000000" when others;
You can find more details about the Red Pitaya register map here.
Device enquiry and their configuration are made by 0x40600000, thus, we’re using 0x40600008. Simulation
red_pitaya_proc_tb.vhd should be defined as the upper module in the Simulation Sources-> sim_1:
Launch the simulation and configure the signals adc_i and adc_o as analog:
Setup the data type of signal:
Setup the display of these signals:
Set the simulation time to 10 us and restart the simulation:
After the simulation is done, you should see the following oscillogram:
We can notice that the signal gets corrupted when we change the size of tag_i (about 5 us on the oscillogram). This is caused by the fact that when we increase the size of tag_i, one or two registers become empty and the signal amplitude falls down.
To see how this filter handles a sinewave, comment the rectangle generation and uncomment the sine generation in the red_pitaya_proc_tb.vhd file (located in Simulation Sources):
-- Generate a sine signal from the table
singen : process(clk_i)
if(rising_edge(clk_i)) then
adc_i <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(20*sine(i), 14));
-- if (sine(i) > 0) then
-- adc_i <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(2000, 14));
-- else
-- adc_i <= std_logic_vector(to_signed(-2000, 14));
-- end if;
i <= i+ 1;
if(i = 29) then
i <= 0;
end if;
end if;
end process; Upload bitstream to Red Pitaya
Insert an SD card with the uploaded ecosystem.
Please note that you need to change the forward slashes to backward slashes on Windows.
Open Terminal or CMD and go to the .bit file location.
cd <Path/to/RedPitaya/repository>/prj/Examples/Simple_moving_average/tmp/Simple_moving_average/Simple_moving_average.runs/impl_1
Send the .bit file to the Red Pitaya with the
command or use WinSCP or a similar tool to perform the operation.
scp system_wrapper.bit root@rp-xxxxxx.local:/root/Simple_moving_average.bit
Now establish an SSH communication with your Red Pitaya and check if you have the copy Simple_moving_average.bit in the root directory.
redpitaya> ls
Load the Simple_moving_average.bit to xdevcfg with
redpitaya> cat Simple_moving_average.bit > /dev/xdevcfg
The 2.00 OS uses a new mechanism of loading the FPGA. The process will depend on whether you are using Linux or Windows as the echo
command functinality differs bewteen the two.
Please note that you need to change the forward slashes to backward slashes on Windows.
On Windows, open Vivado and use the TCL console. Alternatively, use Vivado HSL Command Prompt (use Windows search to find it). Navigate to the .bit file location.
On Linux, open the Terminal and go to the .bit file location.
cd <Path/to/RedPitaya/repository>/prj/Examples/Simple_moving_average/tmp/Simple_moving_average/Simple_moving_average.runs/impl_1
Create .bif file and use it to generate a binary bitstream file (system_wrapper.bit.bin)
Windows (Vivado TCL console or Vivado HSL Command Prompt):
echo all:{ red_pitaya_top.bit } > red_pitaya_top.bif bootgen -image red_pitaya_top.bif -arch zynq -process_bitstream bin -o red_pitaya_top.bit.bin -w
Linux and Windows (WSL + Normal CMD):
echo -n "all:{ red_pitaya_top.bit }" > red_pitaya_top.bif bootgen -image red_pitaya_top.bif -arch zynq -process_bitstream bin -o red_pitaya_top.bit.bin -w
Using a standard command prompt, send the .bit.bin file to the Red Pitaya with the
command or use WinSCP or a similar tool to perform the operation.scp red_pitaya_top.bit.bin root@rp-xxxxxx.local:/root/Simple_moving_average.bit.bin
Now establish an SSH communication with your Red Pitaya and check if you have the copy Simple_moving_average.bit.bin in the root directory (you can use Putty or WSL).
redpitaya> ls
Finally, we are ready to program the FPGA with our own bitstream file located in the /root/ folder on Red Pitaya. To program the FPGA simply execute the following line in the Red Pitaya Linux terminal that will load the Simple_moving_average.bit.bin image into the FPGA:
redpitaya> fpgautil -b Simple_moving_average.bit.bin Testing
Connect to the Red Pitaya and start the oscilloscope and connect OUT1 to IN2. Start the generator on the first channel at a frequency of 1 MHz or more. You should see a signal on IN1 even though nothing is connected to it. This is just the filtered moving average data.
Check whether the FPGA was changed with the following command:
monitor 0x40600050
The Red Pitaya should return FEEDBACC.
In order to setup the filter, we need to connect via SSH and enter the following command:
monitor 0x40600008 3
where 0x40600008 is the address of our register and 3 is the value that should be written in the register.
The result of our filter’s work when the register value equals 3:
The result of our filter’s work when the register value equals 2:
The result of our filter’s work when the register value equals 1: Generation the example from the repository
To create a fully functional project from the example repository, execute the following command:
cd C:/Users/RedPitaya-FPGA/prj/Examples/Simple_moving_average/
vivado -source make_project.tcl
Do not forget to change the contents of make_project.tcl.